Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Marking Hilarity

I’ve been meaning to blog about some funnies my students made on their ICT end of term exam.   My form 1 babies (as I like to call them) had a question ‘Describe to your ICT teacher….how to do some function on the computer.’  Well since some of them have low English skills a few students thought they were being asked to describe me instead.  I’m not sure how they thought that related to computers but o well.  Here are a few of my favorites, saving the best for last:

My class ICT master you are very good in my class. Every day you are come to teach.  (How sad is it that just showing up and teaching on a daily basis constitutes a good teacher in their book?)

My ICT madam is a (insert illegible word). She teach very good in Gbedema JHS.  She is good.

Good morning my ICT teacher have small nose and the teacher have big eye and fair in complesion.  (Apparently I am a Cyclops)

We haven’t promoted our students yet to the next form (grade) so effective classes haven’t begun yet.  Mostly we’re all revising the end of term exam from last year.  One teacher isn’t going to show up for another couple of weeks so his marks won’t even factor into determining the promotion.  We have a staff meeting Friday where we’ll discuss sharing subject.  I’m ready to know which form(s) I’ll be teaching math so I can start preparing.  

I found out today that a new JHS is starting in one of the sections of our village.  This year they will only have form 1 students but that should help reduce the number of form 1s we get.  One of the biggest challenges we teachers face at school is the class size so I think this will be great for the community.  I was even thinking recently about how to go about advocating for another JHS in our village but thankfully other folks beat me to it.  Here’s to change!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I love it! I always do wonder what they are indeed thinking!!
