Thursday, November 17, 2011


Regardless of political views, everyone can agree that Obama's victory was historic and also caused quite a stir worldwide, especially in Africa. Ghana is no exception. Especially since in 2009 he and the first lady came to Accra and Cape Coast castle on a whirlwind visit making it 'the first-ever visit of the first-ever African President of the United States to a nation in Sub-Saharan African.' Now two years later you can still find a wide variety of Obama paraphernalia including shirts, notebooks, pencils, belts, biscuits (crackers- yes you can buy Obama biscuits), and key rings. And it doesn't just stop with things; people and places are also included in this mania. I've met a kid named Obama, heard of the Hotel Obama, and seen an Obama Tea Shop.

I've been wanting to write a post about this craze for a while since I find it quite interesting but I was waiting for an opportunity to snap a photo of someone wearing an Obama shirt. Luckily last week a kid from my village was playing in front of my house- wearing an Obama t. Today I went to a church service where I was, much to my chagrin, asked to get up in front of the congregation and introduce myself. I started strong by first saying my name in Twi (since the pastor is from the South) and then in Buli. Then I stated that I'm from America which prompted the question 'How is Obama?' I replied that he is doing well and that I spoke to him yesterday. Laughter ensued so I'm hoping in this case my sense of humor crossed cultural barriers. And this incident reminded me to share Ghana's Obama-rama with you.

1 comment:

  1. Good job with the cross cultural joke! Those can be tricky. Love you!
