Friday, March 23, 2012

The Wishing Tree

Since we're studying Microsoft Word I asked my form 2 students to do some writing for me. The student retold a story she heard in primary school grade 3.

The Wishing Tree by Abasibey Rita

Many years ago there was no rain for a long, long time. There was no food and all the animals were hungry. Some of them died.

Now there was a big, tall tree in the middle of the forest. It was a magic tree. It was a wishing tree. If the animals could say the name of the tree, they could make a wish. But no one knew the name. They wanted to find it out. They decided to ask the spirit who lived at the top of the mountain.

The monkey said, “I am clever and fast. I will go.” So the monkey ran all the way to the top of the mountain to ask the spirit. The spirit understood and told the monkey the name of the tree. The monkey ran fast all the way home. But on the way, he forgot the name. The animals were sad and hungry. So the lion said, “I am brave and strong. I will go.” The lion ran all the way to the top of the mountain. He also asked the spirit and the spirit told him the name of the tree. Then he ran fast all the way home. But on the way, he also forgot the name. The animals were very sad and very hungry.

The tortoise said, “I am small and slow but I will go.” The other animals all laughed at her because she was so small and slow, but she didn’t mind. She set off slowly and steadily, climbing up and up. It was a long time before she got to the top and it was an even longer time before she got back. The other animals forgot about her. Then one day she walked up. She was very tired. The other animals watched as she walked slowly up to the tree and quietly said its name. Then she made a wish. At once the tree produced fruit and the rain began to fall. Plants began to grow. The animals ate and drank again. They were very happy. And they never laughed at the tortoise again. The End!


  1. And then the egg ate all the bananas and got punched in the face by a chicken.

  2. Loved the story. Didn't realize Aesop made it to Ghana! And loved Meagan's comment.

    1. Yeah I didn't either! I'll email you the story about the chicken and the egg- it was a bit uncouth to post here
