Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fill in the Blank

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I wore a red shirt today and talked about some different ways we celebrate the holiday in America with my students today plus gave them heart-shaped stickers. I also dug into my candy stash and had some Sour Patch Kids and popcorn with M&Ms while watching Pride & Prejudice to celebrate.

When the kiddos come to my house, I usually have them either help around the house or do a short English lesson with me before I allow them to color (paint as they call it) or draw. They also like playing cards, jumping rope, throwing the Frisbee, and eating toffee (candy) when I let them. I have this one basic one where I have them repeat words after me mostly based on pictures. Recently I discovered I sometimes emphasize words by either closing my eyes, making a face, or other times I scratch my face or brush my hair off my face. I know this because the kids will not only repeat the word I am saying but also my action as well. Then I start laughing and have to try to be really careful not to anything besides say the words. I not even all that sure I am helping the little ones that much since I speak American English and they are trying to learn Ghanaian English but I have fun helping them.

Last week a form 1 student came in the office to call the other madam to teach them but it was way past time. Cultural side note: One of the formalities at my school which didn’t occur during my practice teaching in the Eastern region is that the class prefect comes to fetch the teacher when it is time for them to teach. I don’t really like this practice since to me it makes sense that the teacher should be responsible for getting themselves to class on time. Back on track: He was trying to tell her it was time after all so then she made him read the clock in the office. He had a lot of trouble reading it and upon further prompting it was clear he was confused about which hand was the hour and which the minute. The other madam was having fun messing with him and being entertained but also gave him a mini ‘how to tell time’ lesson. After he left we discussed how important the foundation laid at the primary school and how challenging it is for us at the JHS to try to make up for basic skills that are lacking in our students. Just one of the many challenges of teaching here…

On Friday the nurses from the clinic came to talk about Cerebro Spinal Meningitis with the students. During the dry season there’s almost always an epidemic somewhere in Ghana since it spreads more easily at this time. After the education portion they gave injections to the students who needed them. Of course many of my students feared the needle so I tried to reassure them it would be ok and told them I probably had up to 10 vaccinations just to live in Ghana. I also told them to be nice to each other after getting their shots and not punch each other in the arms- this happened to me once in middle school and has ever since stayed with me.

I didn’t mean to alarm anyone with my talk of the upcoming lean season where some people only eat once a day. It is a problem here for various reasons including a small harvest because of a lack of enough rain, improper storage, and the men especially spending most of the money they make from harvest on alcohol instead of saving it. The last is a serious issue here. I will be able to go to market and pay for food when other people can’t afford it. Also be reassured, I weighed myself at the clinic Friday when I went to talk to the nurses and I am ______ (fill in the blank) to announce I have gained 10 pounds since coming to Ghana. My students are achieving their goal of making me larger. For example, one night this week they fed me a second dinner that one student brought me from her house. I said to them ‘Abba! Are you trying to make me gain weight?’ To which they simply replied ‘Yes.’ I’ve had several people here recently tell me I’m ‘growing fat’ since it’s customary to discuss such things. I am growing that’s for sure especially since my diet here is so carb-heavy and I haven’t been very consistent recently with my exercise regime. It will only get more difficult with the coming heat so I want to try doing yoga, dancing, and jumping rope in the house. In one sense it’s good I have a little extra cushion in case I fall ill. On the other hand some of my clothes are getting rather tight which is no good. A couple of weeks ago I had a really hard time taking off one of my shift dresses while changing after school one day. I almost had a claustrophobic panic attack but calmed myself down enough to turn on the fan and cool down. I finally got it off but was worried for a few minutes I was going to either a) cut it off or b) have to go to my students for help! Either would’ve been embarrassing… I leave you with a photo my latest culinary adventure here- I made bacon mac ‘n cheese Sunday after church with a small block of Hickory Farms cheddar and bacon bits. I was pretty proud of my concoction and ate all!


  1. Stefi! I love your frank discussion of your weight gain. You were pretty skinny before you left, so it's probably not a bad thing, especially in case you ever get sick.

    Be on the lookout for a package of goodies next week or so. :) Miss you, my friend!

  2. Mandy! Thanks so much for the comment. Yeah I'd definitely rather gain weight than lose it but sometimes I get tired of it being a topic people feel free to bring up a lot here. Yay for the package. I went to Bolga Friday and it wasn't there yet but I'm sure next time I go it will be. We should chat online soon and catch up! I want to hear all about how you're doing.
